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How to develop a READING HABIT?

Reading has a number of benefits including improving your memory and vocabulary, helping you learn new things, and improving focus and concentration. A lot of people say that they want to develop a reading habit but are unable to due to a lack of time. I was one of those people myself at one point in my life. I have used a number of tricks to help me read more and develop a daily reading habit. I have outlined these below. Schedule a time for reading To make sure that you will read every day, you need to schedule reading into your day. You could read first thing in the morning, during your commute, before going to sleep or even during lunch. Get a reading partner You can also get a reading partner to help you keep yourself accountable to your reading goals. This can be a friend of yours, a significant other, or a colleague. You can start reading the same book with your reading partner and then discuss it as you read or once you both finish reading the book. Read thinner books when you ...

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