How to over come procastination

Procrastination is the act of delaying or putting off tasks until the last minute, or past their deadline. Some researchers define procrastination as a "form of self-regulation failure characterized by the irrational delay of tasks despite potentially negative consequences."
Here are some effective ways to overcome procrastinating in your life:
1. Assess yourself on why you procrastinate.
Try asking yourself, why do you procrastinate? Is the work too overwhelming for you? After you ask yourself about that, think of the things that will happen if you couldn’t finish your work on time or if you can’t pass the exams because you’re just lazy to study.

2. Have a To-Do list.
When you have a to-do list, it can help you organize the things you need to do. In that way, you can also rank what project or assignment needs to be done first (according to deadlines and the amount of time you need to spend on that thing). This can also help you in monitoring the works you have already finished and the things you haven’t done yet.

3. Have regular schoolwork or study time.
As much as having a to-do list to monitor your projects or school works, you should try to evaluate your class schedule and set a reasonable regular study time wherein you can study on your lessons and do your school works. In that way, you will be accountable to sit down and finish your work.

4. Limit distractions.
Try to distance yourself from things that can distract you while doing your work or when you are studying. Put your phone away from you and stay in a quiet place where you can stay focused and finish your work. It will make you finish your work faster and you can also learn your lessons well. When browsing the internet to search for important things, make sure that you will not check your social networking sites. It will be tempting but try your best to avoid it. In that way, you can stay focused on what you are doing.

5. Create a relaxing environment.
Listen to relaxing music while doing your work. It may not be the same for everyone, but others listen to music so they can stay focused and relaxed while studying or doing their work. Listening to relaxing music genres such as acoustic and jazz can help you clear your mind and will help in removing unnecessary noises from your surroundings. The room in which you are studying should not be too bright or too dim, it can hurt your eyes when reading or studying your lessons.

6. Have a study partner.
Having a study partner can be good and bad at the same time. You should choose a study partner who will encourage you to study and get your work done and is also focused on what he/she is doing. In that way, he/she knows that both of you have a goal to accomplish. Choosing a study partner who is a bit chatty will end up in a long conversation that will lead to unfinished work.

7. Ask for help when needed.
There will be projects and school works that will be really hard for you to handle or finish alone. If needed, ask for help from a friend or any person whom you think can help you. Never ever hesitate to ask for help, we’re all just humans, and we can’t do everything most of the time.

8. Be reasonable.
Putting too much pressure on yourself can lead to taking up too much time in doing your work. Remember, you will have a lot of projects to do in your whole college life and making every project perfect will be impossible. Always remember that the most important thing is to finish your projects on time and it is not made out of complacency.

9. Reward yourself.
All work can be draining and make it hard for you to work and study throughout the semester. Remember to reward yourself after accomplishing your tasks. Hanging out with your friends or having some time with yourself are some things you can do. You are less likely to procrastinate when you feel happy, refreshed and motivated!
These are the nine ways, which I used to overcome PROCRASTINATION.
“Procrastination makes easy things hard, hard things harder.” 


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